Monday, July 16, 2012


 Top/ DCXV clothing:: shorts/ thrifted- DIY:: 
headband/ Forever 21:: necklace/ gift:: belt/ Thrifted

I'm getting behind on these outfit posts! I'll get better... maybe. My brain has gone into photo editing mode these past couple of days. I recently did photos at a wedding shower so I'm trying my hardest to get those finished soon. I also made a leather skirt recently so be sure to keep an eye out for that post here soon!
This shirt is one of my favorites. A local company here in Nashville hand makes t-shirts with fun designs screen printed on them. My shirt is of an icecream shop in town that is a local landmark and one of my favorite places. Be sure to check out other shirts from DCXV here! Represent the 615 :]

ps. Please ignore my awkwardness in these photos. I'll get better.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


 Today, the boyfriend and I went on an antiquing adventure! My favorite thing about antique stores is the jewelry. I always love finding cute, vintage earrings and necklaces for a great price. It's also nice to walk around and admire the wild junk laying out. One thing that is great about the town I live in is that there are more than enough antique stores around. They make a great date, and you can always find unique things to use for anything from room decor to photo props. 

 Top/ Feist Concert:: Skirt/ Thrifted:: belt/ Thrifted:: 
Shoes/ Ross:: Earrings/ Antique

Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer lovin'

Dress, Belt, Shoes- thrifted. Necklace- Gift

 These photos were actually from yesterday. This dress is probably one of my absolute favorites. It's so easy for summer, it's comfortable, and (best part) it has pockets! I also paired it with one of my favorite pairs of shoes. I love how these shoes sort of have that unique thrifted look to them. They sort of have personality. Plus, they're in red! My favorite color.

 All photos taken by my boyfriend, Aren. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

City Wanderer

 Top and belt- thrifted. Earings- antique store. skirt- pacsun.  

There are a million and one things I could name that I'm so in love with, but one definitely is the city. What I love even more is the city at night. Tonight, the fella (pictured below) and I took a Nashville evening visit to the best coffee shop in town (Cafe Coco of course, for you Nashvillians). In the parking lot, Lucky Aren found a Say Anything cd on the ground. 

 My very first outfit post does not consist of a fully thrifted outfit. I do plan on utilizing as many pieces that I can that I already own even if they aren't from second hand shops. I am just challenging myself to only shop at thrift stores this school year. Today was a great start on thrift shopping being half off Saturday at goodwill and finding this top today. Whatta gem!

 After Cafe Coco and a bit of wandering, we found ourselves at yet another coffee shop in a hip area of town. We were mainly looking for a calm place to escape from the rain. Casablanca was was the perfect stop with dry chairs and free water.

One of my favorite things to get from Goodwill is a belt. I love finding cute, vintage belts that can add to any outfit. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Before I begin anything, allow me introduce myself. I'm Abby, and I'm a simplistic gal living in the bedroom suburbs of Nashville. I'm an artist, a photographer, and I'm fashion addict. I am a diy fanatic, and although not a seamstress, I make many alterations to old clothes. Over the course of this upcoming school year, I plan to purchase clothes from only thrift stores with the exception of swimwear, undergarments, and shoes. I hope to inspire those around me and prove that you can still dress well without the brand names; it just takes a little extra searching. Any article of clothing can have a new life. Once rescued, old clothes can become new love